
Welcome to SelfKnowledge.today

Discover inner wisdom, become your own life coach, and achieve inner freedom

SelfKnowledge.today is the English URL for the Dutch website Zelfkennis.nu (Selfknowledge dot Now)

SelfKnowledge.today is a guide for everyone who wants to develop internally and wants to find answers within themselves. For anyone who feels or has experienced that answers found outside ourselves do not really lead to sustainable insights. Insight naturally arises from leaving behind aspects that limit insight. Insight does not come from outside but from within.

SelfKnowledge.today can provide direction in this, as one has the opportunity to briefly benefit from the information available here, a kind of action plan (without ‘enlightened’ rhetoric). Just this can already be somewhat liberating regarding the internal and external baggage we carry, as it limits our true potential. But it’s about self-activity, to thus be ‘autognost’: self-knower. The approach is: live according to what we know and what we discover time and time again.

There are now many books from which we can draw knowledge, which sometimes point in the right direction, but many books describe only the ‘what’ and not the ‘how’. This way you get the feeling that mainly ‘beautiful stories’ are told, beautiful horizons are shown, which stimulate for a while but do not persist. This makes sense because reading wise words is one thing, and living and acting accordingly is another. The latter is liberating, the former is not.

SelfKnowledge.today is for those who feel that the real life coach is within us. For those who don’t want to depend on others’ appreciation and who want to appreciate themselves on proper grounds. For those who no longer want to shop for wisdom everywhere, but who want to learn to trust that inner wisdom is always at hand within us.

We can fully rely on our own inner wisdom when we shed and leave behind what does not make us wise and keeps us unconscious. For this, it is necessary that we learn to perceive ourselves in self-remembrance. Without self-remembrance, we will not be able to experience inner freedom, and real self-knowledge is impossible. Practicing self-remembrance – and everything that arises from it – in all our actions (and thereby realizing, making it true) often feels unfamiliar because of our many conditionings. But it becomes very delightful at the moments when we transcend and leave behind these assumed limitations. Then we feel that the state of sustainable happiness is within our reach. Happiness for ourselves that others can fully enjoy!

Michiel Koperdraat.

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